Complete FiM Pony List
Main Cast
Cutie Mark Crusaders
- Princess Celestia
- Princess LunaAKA woona
- Shining ArmorAKA shining armour
- Princess CadanceAKA princess mi amore cadenza, cadence, princess cadence
- Princess Flurry Heart
- Dragon Lord Torch
- Princess Ember
- King Thorax
- Nightmare MoonAKA luna, princess luna, woona
- DaybreakerAKA princess celestia, celestia
- Prince Blueblood
Student Six
- Discord
- Trixie Lulamoon
- Lightning Dust
- Suri Polomare
- Lord Tirek (1st Form)
- Lord Tirek (2nd Form)
- Lord Tirek (3rd Form)
- Shutter Bug
- Lord Tirek (4th Form)
- Garble
- King Sombra
- Doctor Caballeron
- Flim / FlamAKA flim flam brothers
- Queen ChrysalisAKA crysalis
- Grogar
- Cozy Glow
- Ultimate Queen ChrysalisAKA crysalis
- Alicorn Cozy Glow
- Giant Demon Alicorn Cozy Glow
- Ahuizotl
- Twist
- Silver Spoon
- Diamond Tiara
- Snips
- Snails
- Pipsqueak
- Button MashAKA buttonmash
- Featherweight
- Dinky Doo
- Ruby PinchAKA berry pinch
- Lily Longsocks
- ZipporwhillAKA ziporwhill
- Tender Taps
- Pumpkin Cake
- Rumble
- Kettle Corn
- Pound Cake
- Skeedaddle
- Crackle Pop
- Petunia Paleo
- Chipcutter
- Toola Roola
- Coconut Cream
- Pistachio
- Wind Sprint
- Spur
- Little Red
- First Base
Original Characters
- Older Rarity
- MinuetteAKA colgate
- Twinkleshine
- Lemon Hearts
- Lyra Heartstrings
- Vinyl Scratch / DJ Pon-3AKA dj p0n-3, dj pon3, dj-pon3, dj p0n3, vinly
- Raven Inkwell
- Twilight VelvetAKA mrs. sparkle
- Night LightAKA mr. sparkle
- Fleur Dis LeeAKA fleur-de-lis
- Fancy PantsAKA fancypants
- Trenderhoof
- Moon DancerAKA moondancer
- Starlight Glimmer
- Sugar Belle
- Party FavorAKA party favour
- Sassy Saddles
- Sunburst
- Fashion Plate
- Whoa NellyAKA diabetty
- Sweet Biscuit
- Say Cheese
- Minty Bubblegum
- Birch Bucket
- Coriander Cumin
- Saffron Masala
- Zesty Gourmand
- Gordon Ramsay
- Amethyst Star
- Comet TailAKA comet trail
- Blue Note
- Starke Kragen
- Mistmane
- Sable Spirit
- Dandy Grandeur
- Starswirl the Bearded
- Stygian
- Lily Lace
- Chancellor Neighsay
- Jack Pot
- Dear Darling
- Stellar Flare
- Firelight
- Snapshot
- Evil Rarity
- Hoo'far
- Sea Swirl
- Hondo Flanks
- Cookie Crumbles
- Sunset ShimmerAKA sunsetshimmer
- Sunshine SmilesAKA bright pony
- Moonlight RavenAKA goth pony
- Royal Pin
- Clear Sky
- Tempest Shadow
- Luster Dawn
- Fire Flare
- Diamond MintAKA mint jewelup
- Spitfire
- Soarin'
- Derpy Hooves / MuffinsAKA ditzy doo, ditzy
- Fleetfoot
- Misty FlyAKA ice wind
- Cloud ChaserAKA cloudchaser, stormwalker
- Flitter
- Thunderlane
- Blossomforth
- Twilight Sky
- Bulk Biceps
- Meadow Flower
- Thunderclap
- Night Glider
- Stormy Flare
- Wind Rider
- Sunshower Raindrops
- Zephyr Breeze
- Mr. Shy
- Mrs. ShyAKA mrs shy
- Daring Do / A.K. Yearling
- Orange Swirl
- Sky Stinger
- Vapor Trail
- Angel Wings
- Sprinkle MedleyAKA medley frown
- Spearhead
- Windy Whistles
- Flash Magnus
- SomnambulaAKA sonambula
- Bow Hothoof
- Evil Pie Hater DashAKA rainbow dash
- FlutterbatAKA fluttershy
- Inky Rose
- Crescent PonyAKA mane moon, crescent moon
- Evil Fluttershy
- Fond Feather
- Evil Rainbow Dash
- Rolling Thunder
- Sassaflash
- Short Fuse
- Flash Sentry
- Strawberry Sunrise
- Surprise
- Mane Allgood
- Auntie Lofty
- Silver Zoom
- Wave Chill
Earth Ponies
- Big McIntoshAKA big mac, big macintosh
- Granny Smith
- Braeburn
- CheerileeAKA cherilee, cheerelie, cheereliee, cherelee, cherliee, cheerliee
- Dr. Hooves / Time TurnerAKA doctor hooves, dr hooves, doctor whooves, dr whooves
- Sweetie Drops / Bon BonAKA bonbon, bon-bon
- Octavia Melody
- Mayor Mare
- Miss PommelAKA coco pommel, coco
- Cheese Sandwich
- Maud PieAKA maudalina daisy pie
- Limestone Pie
- Marble Pie
- Igneous RockAKA igenous rock
- Cloudy Quartz
- Double Diamond
- Tree HuggerAKA treehugger
- ColoraturaAKA rara
- Rara (Countess Outfit)AKA coloratura
- Svengallop
- Street Rat
- Copper Top
- Hoofer Steps
- Toe Tapper
- Torch Song
- Ms. PeachbottomAKA ms peachbottom
- Ms. HarshwhinnyAKA ms harshwhinny
- Plaid Stripes
- Mr. Stripes
- Buried Lede
- Aloe
- Lotus Blossom
- Caramel
- Spoiled RichAKA spoiled milk
- Filthy Rich
- Quarter HeartsAKA link
- S05E06 Unnamed Earth Mare #1
- Cup CakeAKA mrs. cake
- Carrot CakeAKA mr. cake
- Lucky Clover
- DaisyAKA flower wishes
- Lily Valley
- RoseAKA roseluck
- Cherry Berry
- Quibble Pants
- Crystal Hoof / ThoraxAKA king thorax
- Mrs. Paleo
- Mr. Paleo
- Gladmane
- Sheriff Silverstar
- Troubleshoes ClydeAKA trouble shoes, trobleshoes cylde
- Trapeze Star
- LeadwingAKA andy price
- Golden Harvest / Carrot Top
- Blue Bobbin
- Bleeding Heart
- Nurse Redheart
- Doctor Fauna
- Wrangler
- Hard Hat
- Feather Bangs
- Hoity Toity
- Photo Finish
- Starstreak
- Swoon Song
- Rockhoof
- Mage Meadowbrook
- Grand Pear
- Davenport
- Mr. Breezy
- Pear Butter
- Cattail
- Dr. Horse
- Bright Mac
- Star Tracker
- Berry Punch
- Goldie Delicious
- Fiddly TwangAKA fiddly faddle, fiddlesticks
- Jasmine Leaf
- Mudbriar
- Raspberry Vinaigrette
- Aunt ApplesauceAKA auntie applesauce
- Apple Rose
- Big Bucks
- On Stage
- Raspberry Beret
- Evil ApplejackAKA apple jack, aj
- Evil Pinkie Pie
- Professor Fossil
- Burnt Oak
- Buzzsaw McColt
- Tree H. Hooffield
- Cherry JubileeAKA cherries jubilant
- Snap Shutter
- Aunt Holiday
- Sans Smirk
- Shimmy Shake
- Lighthoof
- ShoeshineAKA shoe shine
- Janine ManewitzAKA grace manewitz
- Biff
- Withers
- Rogue
- Biscuit
- Loose Tracks
- Li'l CheeseAKA little cheese, lil cheese
- High Tide
- Sapphire Shores
- Apple Dumpling
- Apple Cinnamon
- Apple Split
Non-pony Characters
- Zecora
- Cranky Doodle Donkey
- Matilda
- Thorax / ChangelingAKA king thorax
- Gabby
- Changeling
- Autumn Blaze
- Prince Rutherford
- Gilda
- Pharynx / Reformed form
- Sphinx
- Iron Will
- Pharynx / Changeling form
- General Seaspray
- Grandpa Gruff
- TerramarAKA tarramar, tarrammar, taramar, taramare, tarammar
- Sky Beak
- Ocean Flow
- Rain Shine
- Nirik
- Sludge
- Aurora
- Bori
- Alice
Outfits & Clothing
- Big Crown Thingy
- Wonderbolt Uniform
- Spitfire's Academy Outfit
- Wonderbolt Trainee Uniform
- Pony Tones Outfit
- Rainbow Dash's Robe
- Cheerilee's Cheerleader OutfitAKA cherilee, cheerelie, cheereliee, cherelee, cherliee, cheerliee
- Filly Scout Uniform
- Crystal Empire Guard Armor
- Rainbow Rogue's OutfitAKA rainbow dash
- Bard Pie's OutfitAKA pinkie pie, pinkie
- Garbunkle's OutfitAKA spike
- Sir McBiggen's OutfitAKA big mcintosh, big mac, big macintosh
- Captain Wuzz's OutfitAKA discord
- Ponyville Buckball Uniform
- Impossibly RichAKA fluttershy
- Captain JackbeardAKA applejack, apple jack, aj
- Captain Rarity
- Lifejacket
- Derpy's Mail UniformAKA derpy hooves, ditzy doo, ditzy
- 80s Cheerilee OutfitAKA cherilee, cheerelie, cheereliee, cherelee, cherliee, cheerliee
- Rainbow Dash's Bomber Jacket
- Princess Ember's Disguise
- Rainbow Dash's Mechanics Outfit
- Applejack's Mechanics OutfitAKA apple jack, aj
- Rarity's Mechanics Outfit
- Rarity's Punk Outfit
- Mage Meadowbrook's Mask
- Rarity's Titanic Outfit
- Rarity's Detective Outfit
- Rarity's Seductive Dress
- Snowfall FrostAKA starlight glimmer, starlight
- Wonderbolt Practice Outfit
- Changeling Armor
- Washouts Uniform
- Arabian RobeAKA starlight glimmer, starlight
- Rockhoof's Sailor Uniform
- Fluttershy's Winter Outfit
- Rainbow Dash's Winter Outfit
- Pinkie Pie's Winter Outfit
- Applejack's Winter OutfitAKA apple jack, aj
- Rarity's Winter Outfit
- Twilight Sparkle's Winter OutfitAKA princess twilight
- Spike's Winter Outfit
- Rainbow Dash's Bandaids (Newbie Dash)
- Sombra's Army Helmets
- Quibble Pants' "Sporty" Outfit
- Cozy's Winter OutfitAKA cozy glow
- Megaradash Outfit
- Luna's Vacation OutfitAKA princess luna, woona
- Celestia's Vacation OutfitAKA princess celestia
- Luna's 80s MakeoverAKA princess luna, woona
- Celestia's Goth MakeoverAKA princess celestia
- School of Friendship Cheer-leading Outfit
- Sugar Belle's Wedding Dress
- Big Mac's Wedding Suit
- Fluttershy's Hair Band
- Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt Jacket
- Royal Night Guard Armor
- Royal Guard Armor