Friendship is Magic Color Guide
A searchable list of character colors from the series
We add characters based on demand, please let us know if you'd like us to make a guide for a character.
Alternatively, use the old color guides: Pony / EQG
Can't find links that were here previously? Some links were moved to the guide list.
These colors apply to most characters in the show. Use these unless a different color is specified. Eye Shines: Use for eye reflections, sclera and teeth. Eye Pupil: Use for eye pupil, eyelashes, eye outlines and on eyelids (for emotional turmoil at ~5-15% opacity) Tears: Always apply the opacity to the entire shape/group to prevent the fill's edges showing under the outline.
- Teeth & Mouth:#B0D8E7#BB1C76#A41967#841555#EF6F2F#BE4406
- Eyes:#FFFFFF#000000
- Tears:#AFC2CF#D9ECFB
- Teeth & Mouth:
Cutie mark available
- Coat:#9097A5#C5CBD6#B1B7C3
- Mane & Tail:#252525#323232
- Iris:#1A3D86#5785E6#AAE5FF
- Cutie Mark:#329768#3DB679
- Coat:
Shirt colors are same as for Daring Do / A.K. Yearling Cutie mark available
- Coat:#A1614C#DDA351#88523B#BD8B44
- Mane & Tail:#252525#989898#727272#505050#4D4D4D#000000
- Iris:#193A85#6193F7#ABE5FF
- Cutie Mark:#C8DAAD#FFFFFF
- Coat:
- Coat:#3C8193#80C6D3#43889A#6BB0C1
- Mane & Tail:#2B3F4C#0C1318#385366#242832#55809D#2C4453#48AAA4#90E3D9
- Iris:#007782#88EBDB
- Cutie Mark:#385369#203341#317190#7FE8E8
- Coat:
- Coat:#DBB65F#F8ECBA#B79955#D2C89F
- Mane & Tail:#799AC7#B7D5E8#93C1DB
- Iris:#1B3A86#AAE4FB#406CC6#D9F2FF
- Cutie Mark:#B7B4AA#858D93#6E7779#B9BBB8#968D7B
- Shirt and Sweater:#578897#82B6BA#659BA5#47747F#6E9BA0#57818C#003D58#00547E
- Watch:#8D633C#BE763F#858D93#AFBABD#E0E9EE#FFFFFF#606B7D
- Coat:
Ears are pointed. Only fill on cloak is transparent; sparkles are 100% opaque atop except for one color. Cutie mark available
- Coat:#5259A5#827DC7#444B8C#6E6BA9
- Mane & Tail:#ACA9C8#E6E3ED#FFFFFF#C0BED5
- Iris:#90AE67#D9EC99
- Cutie Mark:#F9EB80#F7BE30#FFFFFF
- Shirt and Tie:#FFD888#FFFFE3#FFEFC2#CEB97A#D4D8BF#E95408#F68721#F9EB80#F7BE30
- Jacket:#043166#2C4982#002A55#243F6F#4FE9B4#10D2B6#2E2F59#00A8CC#0074C6#00A8CC#10D2B6#4FE9B4
- Epulette:#F7B007#FFDF65#FFF8A8#FFC53E
- Cloak:#007DA5#00A6C9#0074C6#09CFEF#9BEEFF#0FD3B5#52EBB6#EBFFFF#4DE9B1
- Coat:
Note that both "Over the Barrel" and Appleloosa's Most Wanted have overly-bright reference colors, but these are the only refs we have for Silverstar
- Coat:#9F8545#CAB37D#B7A166
- Mane & Tail:#281C0B#4A3B19#000000
- Iris:#0D3389#B4F9FF
- Cutie Mark:#91D5E1#DAFFFF
- Vest:#1D375E#406EB1#FFDB00#8ED5E2#DAFFFF#FFFFFF#AC0E11#F24349
- Hat:#000000#292929#F24349
- Coat:
Colors from Appleloosa's Most Wanted are overly bright, but this is the only episode reference for Troubleshoes.
- Coat:#622F26#9C5334#55281E#713B22#C0C1B4#FFFFFF#ACAA9D#EEE8C2#A5A591#E1DBB7
- Mane & Tail:#281A1A#362626
- Iris:#219936#C2FF78
- Cutie Mark:#AFD18C#57A48B
- Hat:#BA965F#F9DB82#DDBA77#6886AB#AFC0C2#FFFFFF
- Coat: