Friendship is Magic Color Guide
A searchable list of character colors from the series
We add characters based on demand, please let us know if you'd like us to make a guide for a character.
Alternatively, use the old color guides: Pony / EQG
Can't find links that were here previously? Some links were moved to the guide list.
These colors apply to most characters in the show. Use these unless a different color is specified. Eye Shines: Use for eye reflections, sclera and teeth. Eye Pupil: Use for eye pupil, eyelashes, eye outlines and on eyelids (for emotional turmoil at ~5-15% opacity) Tears: Always apply the opacity to the entire shape/group to prevent the fill's edges showing under the outline.
- Teeth & Mouth:#B0D8E7#BB1C76#A41967#841555#EF6F2F#BE4406
- Eyes:#FFFFFF#000000
- Tears:#AFC2CF#D9ECFB
- Teeth & Mouth:
- Coat:#CEAE64#F5F1D4#B79C5B#E0DCBB
- Mane & Tail:#573F30#866445
- Iris:#574030
- Coat:
Eye gradient is reversed compared to most ponies - darker color at bottom Cutie mark available
- Coat:#897F9F#B9B4CE#A5A0BA
- Mane & Tail:#FF9241#FFCA44
- Iris:#FF8C40#EE692A#F0652C#FF8B44
- Cutie Mark:#FFFFFF
- Coat:
- Coat:#858585#ABABAB#9F9F9F#BEBEBE
- Mane & Tail:#ACB7D9#D6DDF0
- Iris:#132E5A#6EAACA#58A0D9#A2CAE9
- Cutie Mark:#C59A68#505677#C08C41#8D6534#77572E
- Coat:
Cutie mark available
- Coat:#7E6AC6#BAB0E7#A08FD7#D3C9FF
- Mane & Tail:#2653A0#6A95DF#FFB5D7
- Iris:#87233D#D99AC0#B96C8C#F4B7DA
- Cutie Mark:#FAFFFA#B5E8FF#EE629F
- Coat:
- Coat:#563618#9C6534#482B11#84552C#A6FFF0
- Mane & Tail:#226960#84EBDD#3BBBAE#298B81
- Iris:#1B6B60#3CDBC6#29F8A0#C3F8D5
- Cutie Mark:#3CBAAD#206962#AAFFF2#CFE5DE#6F8C86
- Kerchief:#ACC52A#DFF949
- Coat:
Eyelid highlight is only visible while Spitfire is wearing her Wonderbolt Uniform and appears to have been completely removed in Season 6. Cutie mark available
- Coat:#BEB205#F8EA62#A89E0E#DDCE52
- Mane & Tail:#AA4400#ED7B00#FBBE33
- Iris:#422300#CF6E00#FACC83#FFFFAE
- Cutie Mark:#AA4400#ED7B00#FBBE33#F8EA62
- Coat:
Cutie mark available
- Coat:#3CB3BF#D8E6F5#B9DAE7
- Mane & Tail:#34A8E6#2D3263
- Iris:#1E7815#52E25F
- Cutie Mark:#E8D737#FFFF9A#728AC7
- Coat: