Friendship is Magic Color Guide
A searchable list of character colors from the series
We add characters based on demand, please let us know if you'd like us to make a guide for a character.
Alternatively, use the old color guides: Pony / EQG
Can't find links that were here previously? Some links were moved to the guide list.
These colors apply to most characters in the show. Use these unless a different color is specified. Eye Shines: Use for eye reflections, sclera and teeth. Eye Pupil: Use for eye pupil, eyelashes, eye outlines and on eyelids (for emotional turmoil at ~5-15% opacity) Tears: Always apply the opacity to the entire shape/group to prevent the fill's edges showing under the outline.
- Teeth & Mouth:#B0D8E7#BB1C76#A41967#841555#EF6F2F#BE4406
- Eyes:#FFFFFF#000000
- Tears:#AFC2CF#D9ECFB
- Teeth & Mouth:
Only has one eye shine and one iris highlight located in the top part of the iris.
- Coat:#437BCF#75B1ED#3E71BA#6BA1D7
- Mane & Tail:#243B50#375A7E
- Iris:#BF942E#FFED9C#F6E38C
- Cutie Mark:#FFFFFF
- Coat:
- Coat:#FFD16C#FFF9D0#E7BF61#E0DBB8
- Mane & Tail:#9F3760#D04B8D#FF6E60#1AE7E4#9AEBEB
- Iris:#661D47#CF2F89#EE64B3#FFC0E8#F7A0C3
- Cutie Mark:#CF4C8D#7E4061#C2E0DB#FFFFFF#19CBCB
- Coat:
Based on S3E12. On the luggage: Side Flower 1 represents the two flowers perpendicular to the tear Side Flower 2 is the top flower in line with the tear Side Flower 3 is the bottom one in line with the tear.
- Coat:#CAA756#FFF6AE#B4954D#E2DD9C#F5C85F
- Mane & Tail:#58AB3D#BFF788#8DDC54#CD60DB#FF99FF
- Iris:#2F933F#89D658#89CD70#A4DF7B
- Cutie Mark:#B96E22#703A17#9A5121#9A5116#4B2A0A#EA3200#EBD236#EDBC4F
- Glasses:#9F1F00#FF572C#E14A36#FFFFFF#6B64B2#FFFFFF
- Collar:#9BE9FB#FFFFFF#CCF3FF#00B7E3#3DD7FF
- Shirt:#F984A8#FFCED8#DE7796#E3B9BF#F85C8B#FB95B4#00B7E3#3DD7FF
- Luggage:#932358#CA4485#A42B66#B24D35#5B151E#E4513D#811D1F#E76755#8C383A#E45844#872729#CCB44F#877321#F5DDEA#B4698E
- Coat:
Last major changeShe has no iris highlights.
- Coat:#C37440#EF9E5F#B16A3B#D99156
- Mane & Tail:#EAC266#FFE281
- Iris:#255789#82E3FF
- Cutie Mark:#FFD566#F1BD48#C88C37#FFE29F
- Earrings:#D59739#FFCF4E#FFA3FF
- Scarf:#DE70EC#FFA3FF
- Necklace:#725A46#D59739#FFCF4E
- Outfit:#76588A#A06FAC#6F5483#986AA4#D59739#FFCF4E#C78E36#FFC54D#FFFFFF
- Luggage:#932358#CA4485#A42B66#FFFFFF#EB94C6#5F96C9#6CD0A9#5EA8C0#CEA7DB#E08725#E7F7CA#E2C444#2C1128#C1B528
- Coat:
Has pointed ear tips Cutie mark available
- Coat:#EA6929#FEB568#D06025#E1A15C
- Mane & Tail:#623F95#925DC2#B67AD0
- Iris:#570C37#BD1C75#D852A0#FDB8DD
- Cutie Mark:#DC1DA2#912D9F#FCE191
- Shirt:#168CCF#63CCFF#95E7FC#DCF7FF#DC1C9E#BEE95A#157CB8#5CB5E4#83D0E2#BFE1E9#BB1886#A2C64D
- Hairband/Boa:#51B457#BEE85E#C52293#F04495
- Braces:#8FB2C5
- Coat:
- Coat:#9895CB#EDF9F1#8885B3#D5DEDB#516C71#B3C5C8
- Mane & Tail:#553E73#734EA2#7B72AB
- Iris:#65126A#BC1DAC
- Cutie Mark:#F5A5EC#BE5FC0
- Sweatjacket:#1E305A#4266B4#2F4A83#172A49#3A5AA0#294275#F4FEFC#8CA2D5#1381BE#4FB5E9
- Necklace:#F69837#FDCE40#FAE087#FDF4BD
- Coat:
- Coat:#D47023#EDAF56#D06E24#E8A74F
- Mane & Tail:#56423E#73604C#8D7F67#626158#ABAA96#CAC9BC
- Iris:#DCB409#F8EF77#E1C21F#F9F4AA
- Cutie Mark:#FFFFFF#D2EBEB#B0DBDD#A6C2C9#98A1A1#A2A8A8#ADE2DC#71B5BA#F2665F#D7EAEA#EED7A9#585853
- Shirt and Tie:#89B3B0#EAFAF9#708D8C#672525#C03F39#CFB2A4
- Badge:#6C6C6C#9F9F9F#EBEBEB#9F9F9F#C0C0C0#F4F4F4#7796BC#6C6C6C
- Coat: