Friendship is Magic Color Guide
A searchable list of character colors from the series
We add characters based on demand, please let us know if you'd like us to make a guide for a character.
Alternatively, use the old color guides: Pony / EQG
Can't find links that were here previously? Some links were moved to the guide list.
These colors apply to most characters in the show. Use these unless a different color is specified. Eye Shines: Use for eye reflections, sclera and teeth. Eye Pupil: Use for eye pupil, eyelashes, eye outlines and on eyelids (for emotional turmoil at ~5-15% opacity) Tears: Always apply the opacity to the entire shape/group to prevent the fill's edges showing under the outline.
- Teeth & Mouth:#B0D8E7#BB1C76#A41967#841555#EF6F2F#BE4406
- Eyes:#FFFFFF#000000
- Tears:#AFC2CF#D9ECFB
- Teeth & Mouth:
The primary source for colors was Apple Family Reunion
- Coat:#872419#C64C3F#7C2016#B44438
- Mane & Tail:#68BC2D#9DF047
- Iris:#2E913E#B8F577
- Cutie Mark:#8EDC54#FFFFFF#58AB32#5B8A26#38221A#934C17#DD9D42#BA7A21#E3AB60#E09C44#934B1F
- Necktie:#BEB458#F7F6C9#3F802E#FFFFFF#5FBA4B#8DDB53#DF911C#FAC658
- Coat:
The primary source for colors was Apple Family Reunion
- Coat:#415D6F#6F91A7#5E7D92#9CB5C8
- Mane & Tail:#B2204C#F63F5E
- Iris:#A7141F#FAB863
- Cutie Mark:#F2234E#FFFBCB#585125
- Necktie:#DFA858#FFFFB4#F8D994#900721#F2234F#46492A#489224#78CF50
- Coat:
- Eyes:#9DB5B2#000000#FFFFFF
- Nose & Whiskers:#DA80BE#799A9A#CACACA
- Mouth:#526D6D#C13271#F9A4E0#CDCDCD
- Body:
In 3/4 view, the top line on his far eye uses the "Far Eye Top Line" color instead of the normal gradient.
- Body:#329732#50C454#95D884#C2F0A3#30694C
- Eyes:#9C40F6#CF8AFF#B04DF9#B96DF5#7F17CB#C478F9#E6CCFF
- Mouth:#F16AC4#A64688#AC369C#C787C6#FFB3FF#990033#4A001D
- Body:
- Body:#583A25#9A6642#FFFFFF#44261E#6C472E#B2B2B2
- Face:#000000#FFFFFF#744E32#595959
- Mouth:#CBCBCB#9B0000#FF82BA
- Collar:#941D1D#BF2725#DBC626#F1E76B
- Body:
- Body:#BEA66E#E0D39D#5F533E#91825F#D97A1C#FFAB59
- Face:#534838#D97A1C#FFAB59#845245
- Body:
Last major changeIn some scenes, Tank uses an alternate set of colors for the tongue. For the goggle lenses, group together the Fill and the Highlights (100% Normal blending) and set the group to 50% opacity.
- Body:#1B3120#000000#3E7353#63AB80#67C294#AAF796#579B72#5AAA80#8BCF86#4D8E66
- Carapace:#3E7352#529B6F#67C294#AAF797#DCFF93#0E1C0F#1C3121#2B4D33
- Plastron:#AAF798#67C193#488A62
- Mouth:#BD1C78#4C0B30#F27032#FF6699#FF2E7F
- Goggles:#856B2C#A0CBD6#E7F2F5#AD8935#59461D#403313
- Copter:#85ADC0#B3D7E5#E5F2F8#1B0D24#392914#5D4123#67ADCC#B2D7E5#FDF696
- Body: