Friendship is Magic Color Guide
A searchable list of character colors from the series
We add characters based on demand, please let us know if you'd like us to make a guide for a character.
Alternatively, use the old color guides: Pony / EQG
Can't find links that were here previously? Some links were moved to the guide list.
These colors apply to most characters in the show. Use these unless a different color is specified. Eye Shines: Use for eye reflections, sclera and teeth. Eye Pupil: Use for eye pupil, eyelashes, eye outlines and on eyelids (for emotional turmoil at ~5-15% opacity) Tears: Always apply the opacity to the entire shape/group to prevent the fill's edges showing under the outline.
- Teeth & Mouth:#B0D8E7#BB1C76#A41967#841555#EF6F2F#BE4406
- Eyes:#FFFFFF#000000
- Tears:#AFC2CF#D9ECFB
- Teeth & Mouth:
Mane colors as well as rainbow colors in cutie mark are same as Rainbow Dash's. Cutie mark available
- Coat:#5962A7#ABB4FF#4B548E#9199D7#979CCB
- Hooves:#E8CB7A#FFF7AC#C6AB68#D9D390
- Mane & Tail:#1B98D1#EC4141#EF7135#FAF5AB#5FBB4E#632E86
- Iris:#AE641C#F6E340
- Cutie Mark:#1B98D1#EC4141#EF7135#FAF5AB#5FBB4E#FFFFFF#A099AF#6F7394
- Shirt:#508F75#72B893#A0D5B0#437964#87B592#007CAD#FFFFFF#179AD8
- Coat:
- Coat:#1A3A67#3D659C#30578C
- Mane & Tail:#1B96D2#FB3171#FFA00B#E3FF0D#7FFF53#1B96D2#9F25FF
- Iris:#BA005C#F040B5#FAA6DE
- Coat:
Based on Bats!.
- Coat:#C5B179#EEE5B1#B1A253#D8D080
- Mane & Tail:#D086AC#EAB5CD
- Iris:#B05858#F15C5D#FFB1A3#FFD2D1#FFE7E6
- Fangs and Ears:#C3D4E0#FFFFFF#A18D45#7F692C
- Cutie Mark:#EAB5CD
- Coat:
Cutie mark available
- Coat:#A8A6DB#E1E1F8#9592C1#CBC9DB
- Mane & Tail:#574C61#726480#9687A8#000000
- Iris:#241D81#97A2F2#8587ED#BABAFF#AB7D9F
- Cutie Mark:#1F1F1F#747792#5C526E#433E56#29233D
- Blouse:#0E1112#181D20#434858#1A1A1A#2A2D3A#656C83#161B1B
- Coat:
Cutie mark available
- Coat:#B1A37D#D7CFA8#A69569#BEAF83
- Mane & Tail:#533F27#7A623C
- Iris:#1C3A80#A7E4F5
- Cutie Mark:#FFFF94
- Coat:
Cutie mark is same but swaps the colors between body and wings.
- Coat:#C2BD7E#E5E6C0#ADA871#CDCEAC
- Mane & Tail:#CA97AF#E2C3CD
- Iris:#064153#007EA0
- Cutie Mark:#69C8C3#F3B5CF
- Coat:
One of the "Gaston Girls" from Hard to Say Anything (This is the pegasus with purple coat and bluish mane) Cutie mark is revealed through Gameloft promo materials for the character (agrees with little shown in episode proper) Cutie mark available
- Coat:#9173C6#B898E1#AC8CD9
- Mane & Tail:#819DC3#C8E6F1#4B7DAF#72A0D2
- Iris:#196E90#7DD0F2#A0DBF4#DDF4FF
- Coat: