Posts finished by Parcly-Taxel

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It finally happened!!! (all 3)It finally happened!!! (all 3) aohoshi2008
Silver is not amused ( Diamond Tiara optional )Silver is not amused ( Diamond Tiara optional ) aohoshi2008
Reaction to the glowing cutie marks of both Rarity and AJReaction to the glowing cutie marks of both Rarity and AJ SnowPupmlp
Coco Pommel Plot ShotCoco Pommel Plot Shot DJDavid98
ScardyjackScardyjack aohoshi2008
Duck muffinDuck muffin aohoshi2008
YakYak aohoshi2008
Spike with pianoSpike with piano aohoshi2008
Derpy and the DoctorDerpy and the Doctor MinecraftXyo
DerpyDerpy aohoshi2008