Posts finished by Parcly-Taxel

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Pinkie PiePinkie Pie MinecraftXyo
Twilight and CelestiaTwilight and Celestia DashieMLPFiM
ApplejackApplejack aohoshi2008
Spike, Tank and Rainbow (or just Rainbow)Spike, Tank and Rainbow (or just Rainbow) MinecraftXyo
Dash in the cloudDash in the cloud aohoshi2008
Crouching DashCrouching Dash aohoshi2008
Pinkie Pie On The FloorPinkie Pie On The Floor Scourge707
Pinkue with cakePinkue with cake aohoshi2008
Rainbow Dash trying to remove the dressRainbow Dash trying to remove the dress NinjaShadow-X
Fluttershy crying with her towel on (without Pinkie standing on her)Fluttershy crying with her towel on (without Pinkie standing on her) NinjaShadow-X